Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Manic Cynocism

Currently in class and I could not be any less interested in the topic.
Something about staring at graphs and how people think is not really the most interesting.
Then again, what do I expect from a class called "Political Behavior"

Regardless, I feel like my life has been a manic depressive mess. But it's more like a week to week trend then it is day to day or for that matter hour by hour...

The ex now has another ex to add to his belt. I don't think I could be happier about that.
My friend had told me about the expiration of his relationship and I could not have been more jovial about the notification. I feel pretty sick and sadistic about feeling so good about the prospect, but I felt offended that he jumped into a relationship. I would often lurk on his facebook and see the word "love" exchanged with both of them and was not too particularly fond.

I was furious - only because it had not even been a legitimate amount of time and they were being so cutesy.
I didn't care that it wasn't me. No, I passed that point the week after the boy broke up with me and went on a drunken spree making out with boys in da club (yes, DA).
But I'm just glad that it was a rebound.
Overjoyed, actually.
More than anything, I was upset because he had found someone before I did.

But now, I just hope he's kicking himself and missing me.

Especially with my now fitter bod. Huzzah.


Yesterday I went rock climbing, speaking of being fit.
I am inspired to continue this trend and talked to everyone
Even my guy roommate.

Our dynamic recently has been weird. I should take it as face value, but I can't help but realize that we're flirting EVEN MORE now. Smiling at each other. Just being even friendlier.

He took me to a softball game and the entire time we were flirting around.
It's driving me crazy.
I didn't think I could want him more.
In all honesty, it is a love hate situation.
I'm loving the attention the flirting.
I know how much I expressed flirting.
Ugh, when he smiles. I melt.
I love it
I hate it.

So, I talked to him about rock climbing and how excited I was about the notion. He seemed to reciprocate the enthusiasm and said we should go, frequently.
Which is amazing on many levels.
1. It allows amazing bonding, flirting, sexual tension time
2. Awesome work out at the same time

We'll see how that goes. If it goes.

I hope it does.

My friend says my only chance is to get him drunk again.
Though true, I'm not sure he'll fall for that again.
Even though it was never my intention to get him drunk and have a fondle fest

but I know I should be worrying about other things


School is something I need to take more as a priority.
I've been trying, but now that I'm single and ready to mingle, if you will, most of my time has been spent socializing.
Not that it's a bad thing, but I have to get on the ball with my graduate aps and the ever deciding exam.

I'm trying, but we'll see how it works out.
Sigh, I'll be sure to keep you updated.

For your enjoyment.

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