Saturday, May 28, 2011

Is apparently taking care of a man child

So I've been living with my boyfriend for the past....well since we started going out it's been a gradual transition of him living with me. It was spring semester that I pretty much had told everyone that we live together. In practice we do, not that I'm all excited about the notion, but just comfortable with having someone around. It's like having a anthropomorphic puppy.

Somethings just get on my nerves.

God knows I don't come from the best of up bringing and my family seriously just barely manages to hold onto their middle class standing (due to their irresponsible financial tendencies), but I've always had a way to manage myself and have some ability to maneuver through life by myself.

In getting this apartment, I've managed to find ways to pay for this amazing stink hole. It's too bad that my self-entitled boyfriend doesn't understand what the crap I'm going through.

For example, I only have 12 dollars in my pocket. I have seven in my bank account. I need toilet paper, toothpaste and facewashing products. I ask him to get some toilet paper that he seldom use while he is in his other house (which at this point is his man-cave since he spends most of his time in my apartment) and he is hesitant on the matter.

Granted, I'm not saying he doesn't do anything for me. Being without car, he has no problem taking me places when he can. He also buys chicken for most of our at home dinners. But that's about the limit to what he does.

Frankly, I am getting fed up with it. Not so much the realization that he is a bafoon with ridiculous and gender-role limitation, but just the fact that he thinks he's entitled to the things I do for him.

I don't know where the fuck he got that mentality, but I cannot be both the man and the woman of the house. That's the role my mother plays at home with my brothers and that's not at all going to well for her.
I think the part that upsets me the most is the fact that I have constant reminders of what my mom must feel. I thought those sentiments of empathy were to only arrive when I have children. But I guess it just turns out that someone else has birthed this man-child and the gods of have deemed it necessary that I take care of his oafish self.

Maybe I'm being too harsh?

I certainly don't feel that way. Especially since I've told him how I feel and he has yet to do anything to change it.

I honestly think that it wouldn't be such an ordeal if he DID live with me. I went over it briefly, but why I am so frustrated and encumbered is because he has his own place. His roommates are not what he wanted, but he should have made that decision before signing with them.

My boyfriend sleeps at my place, uses my kitchen to cook (granted, it is usually meals for both of us), uses my bathroom (both toilet and shower), uses my electricity for his laptop and charging his phone, uses my fan in my room to regulate his ridiculously fucked up body temperature, sleeps in my bed.

And see, I wouldn't care so much if there was some sort of reciprocation on his part that was at least an attempt. We've tried verbally saying thanks this and thanks that to show that we aren't taking advantage, but It is not cutting it for me.

Last weekend I was cleaning my apartment, it had been the first time in months because I finally managed to get a weekend off. Every weekend prior I had been working and had 12 hours of class a week. I was cleaning all linens and clothing. I was folding the clothing. I was dusting. I was cleaning the bathroom. I ended up vacuuming. Just spring cleaning my whole place.

The only things I asked him to do: vacuum, wash four cups and 2 bowls from the sink, and put the sheets on the bed. If I didn't ask him to do any of those, he wouldn't have done shit.

I don't think that's fair.
I know that's not fair.

And I've told him that half the dust and dirt in there is not mine. He might not "LIVE" here but he sure as hell acts like he is the fucking king and I am his peon. I am getting fed up.

I ran out of toilet paper, I asked him for a roll and his hesitation and declaration that I would have to get another roll eventually just infuriated me. It's not that I'm asking him to buy me a pack of them, just give me one measly toilet paper roll since he's used half of all of my toilet paper since I've known him.

This isn't just. I'm getting to my breaking point. Although it might be absurd to break up with him over such trivial matters, I am young, intelligent and can find someone to provide for me, not the other way around.

Either way, he'll be graduating soon and I'll have more of an opportunity to just deal with myself

For your enjoyment.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Memorial day

I have a boyfriend

It's not the guy that I was feeling out on and doing motorcycle rides, that one fled as quick as he saw what I wanted. That and he still had a girlfriend.
The funny thing is that now that guy is without a girl and I have been dating this guy for about nine months

Either way, it sucks. I've gone through a lot this semester and summer isn't boding well either

I do it to myself, but I feel like I've sacrificed a lot to be with this douche bag.

I wonder if it will even turn out better. Time is approaching and he is about to graduate early. I was goingto do the same, but I can't cram that many classes, have a job and still have some sanity.

More then anythin I've sacrificed my summer to be with him. But i'm too busy working on school or spending time at work to be with him. His schedule conflicts with mine constantly.

I just wonder why am I doing this? I'm not happy. Granted, I've been a lot happier since I've come to terms with my friends death and the other issues that came along with it.

I just wish I had more time for a better job and money to help get me the things I want instead of having to stress how things will balance out.

I just want things to be more manageable.

For your enjoyment.